We would like to inform you about the legal regulations regarding traffic fines.

According to the regulation made with the "Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles to be Applied in the Preparation, Collection and Follow-up of the Traffic Administrative Fine Decision Records" published in the Official Gazette dated 25.12.2020 and numbered 31345;

In case of violation of the rule, traffic fines will be issued on behalf of vehicle owners,
Based on the notification made to the Rental Vehicle Notification System (KABİS) on the date of violation of the rule, it is stated that if the vehicle is found to be rented, the traffic fine will be issued on behalf of the real or legal person who is the renter of the vehicle.

Our company notifies KABİS for every vehicle rented in accordance with the provisions of the relevant law. The general law enforcement officers, which regulate the traffic fines, can determine whether the vehicle violating the rule is rented or not through KABİS. With the regulation made in this context, the practice of notifying the traffic fines to tenants based on KABİS records has started.

We would like to remind you that the penalties that will be notified to you regarding the vehicle you have rented on behalf of your company or individually, due to the changed practice as a result of the legal regulation, should be followed and paid by you.

However, if the traffic fines of the period in which the vehicle is in use are notified to our company as the vehicle owner, the penalty will be paid by our company in accordance with the terms of the contract and will continue to be reflected on your company or yourself.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation, the mentioned traffic fines will be notified to your address electronically if you have an e-notification address, or via PTT if you do not have an e-notification address.

The relevant Notice has been put into effect and started to be implemented as of 25.12.2020.

For your informations,

Best Regards.